Areas of Specilization:
Nnamaka Ojogbo is an Analyst at Dev-Afrique Development Advisors. She works with the team to support the development and implementation of strategies for improving public data systems in urban sanitation services across Africa.
Prior to joining Dev-Afrique, she initially worked with the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency where she was involved in several compliance monitoring inspection visits to facilities in South-West Nigeria. She was also a part of the permit task team that was responsible for assessing the eligibility of facilities nationwide to receive annual environmental permits. She then proceeded to work with the Global Sanitation Graduate School where she supported the expansion of its network of educational institutions across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and contributed to the development of open-access learning materials in City-wide Inclusive Sanitation.
Finally, her work with the Faecal Sludge Management Alliance provided an avenue for her to support the planning and successful execution of the joint 21st AfWASA International Congress and Exhibition and the 7th International Faecal Sludge Management conference; as well as to conduct research for the organisation on the relationship between climate change and non-sewered sanitation.
Nnamaka holds a Master of Science degree in Sanitation from IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, the Netherlands, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. She continues to be an advocate for the SDGs, most especially for SDGs 5, 6, 13 and 17.

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- contact@dev.africa
- www.dev.africa
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