- Health
Digital Microplanning Handbook

Supporting the design and development of WHO’s digital microplanning handbook.
Dev-Afrique, in collaboration with its DevGlobal partners, supported the World Health Organization Organization and other development partners (UNICEF, BMGF, GAVI, and GF) to facilitate the creation of a microplanning handbook document to support capacity strengthening activities and help countries adopt best-in-class microplanning strategies. Dev-Afrique supported the facilitation of extensive stakeholder engagement with the GIS COVAX working group and other contributors.
As a result, a number of GIS-enabled health use cases and country-specific success stories were developed for the handbook. The handbook is aimed at providing guidance that will help countries adopt microplanning strategies using the best practices developed to date as well as communicate the impact of geospatial data for decision-making.

Contact us
- contact@dev.africa
- www.dev.africa
Locations: HQ – Nigeria / DRC / Ethiopia / Ghana / Kenya / Rwanda / Zambia / Sierre-Leone / Burkina- Faso